
Saturday, 30 June 2012

Gnomes all alone

This gnome lives at my aunty's place in Orange, NSW.  I love my aunt dearly but I would have to say that one of her most endearing qualities is that she is the master of good intentions that kind of, well, don't quite endure.  On the other hand she teaches piano and is very talented and laughs all the time.  She is also a master of the jive, which for the information of people born after 1975 is a dance.  She mastered it in her teenage years and still does a great one now at age 68.

Green-eyed gnome on a tilt - does he have a big blue thumb or what?

You can see below that the green-eyed fellow has a pseudo companion.  This little guy looks a bit lost.  Also, there is a cute table and chairs set-up that hasn't seen much use by the looks of it, and is somewhat too close to that tree for comfort.  And those roses don't look too well.

Gnome all alone

On closer inspection, that chair on the right is actually broken and collapsing.

Nice spot for a cup of tea and scones
I don't think there have been too many morning or afternoon teas here, but there's a certain quaintness to it all.

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